
About Us - We provide cost-effective solutions
CastleLight Energy Corp. is a California technology management firm with patents and proprietary know-how in advanced coal gasification-combustion and coal-beneficiation technologies that improve coal-fired power plant economics, reduce air pollutant emissions and increase combustion efficiency.
The Clean Combustion SystemTM (CCS), described as a hybrid of coal-gasification (integrated directly with the boiler furnace), prevents the formation of SO2 and NOx pollutants right in the initial combustion step. The CCS provides coal-fired electric generating plants an affordable technology to meet U.S. EPA air quality regulations.
CastleLight Energy Corp. enables clients to Re-Engineer Coal-Fired Power Plants with construction permits that waiver New Source Performance Standards (NSPS - found in 40 CFR Part 60) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) with no New Source Review (NSR) triggers. Such wavers allow the plant to consider further improvements in the steam turbine efficiency and updated equipment for improved operability, availability and maintenance.
CastleLight Energy Corp. provides the custom Clean Combustion SystemTM (CCS) technology design and engineering services services for your specific power plant firing a specified coal. We also supply the gasification and burner equipment, instrumentation, controls and other CCS equipment for your sub-contractors' installation on your power plants. On-site installation and construction review, start-up and commissioning is provided as a T&M service.